Assetto Corsa Round 1 St Petersburg

Discussion in 'Hillman Imp Classic Trophy Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    By installing CM + SCP you mean then ?
  2. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Actually I thought it was this car when I suscribed to the series.
    I didn't drive it a lot, maybe not at all, but I'm pretty sure that Bazza&co would have done a much better job than Velo, with all respect due to any modder. (And I'm pretty sure Velo here and there did some good mods)
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
  3. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    GTL 60:n IMP!
  4. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I must admit to a wry smile reading the comments from some of the more experienced of our members who strangely have difficulties adapting to this mod and being unhappy at not being able to run at the front as usual. Guess what guys, we have many other members who wonder how you can deliver great performances when they themselves struggle at many races to compete in the mid-field, but don't complain about it.
    I have no problems with FFB, braking or handling comfort that I didn't dial out with a little bit of setup work, but then I don't try to drive every car the same as every other and accept each's limitations. Possibly there are some issues which are hardware related? We know from experience that there can be significant differences between products but that isn't down to the mod used.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    The hardware is the Mod! A rear engined car shouldn't even be able to run 70% front bias - let alone require it just to stop!
    Yes it can be driven around, but we may as well run the batmobile mod (which is better I might add) if we don't care about realism.

    And it's hard to call something that could be out of an Amiga a 'good' mod..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Ken, there is no problem if you don't want to question your mod pick. That's your series, it's up to you ofc. But I think you can understand that if that many drivers tell you it's garbage, then it's... know what I mean ? :rolleyes:
    That car is far from being realistic, but also far from being 'normally' driveable for some of us (as opposed to 95%-ish of the existing mod cars). If some drivers are forced to both at the same time not even skim their brake pedal and knock their throttle pedal down at every H&T braking point, I doubt they can make the whole series without a nerves attack. :D
    Maybe your wheel gives you a decent ffb, maybe your pedals hardware+setup/adjustment is fine with her for you, and maybe that car's behaviour pleases you, but it's a fact that it's just very poorly done. o_O
    And by the way, it's by no means a performance question, nor here for me neither for some other guys here I'm pretty sure.
    I love being in the pack.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Yes, Bazza's one (I mean Bazza & co).
  8. Kiril Kirilov

    Kiril Kirilov Pro Driver

    As Ken pointed out, maybe the whole issue is gear-relaited. Had the same problems with the Manthey Porsche in rF2 in the beginning. After I was the only one who complained, I started looking for the problem in my settings (stll not happy with it:confused:)
    I can't explain it any other way. I had no problems with the ffb. The only challenge was not locking the rear wheels when downshifting. This was fixed with a bit of diff coast adjustment and a throttle blip when downshifting. I didn't even change the brake bias. How realistic that is I can't say at all as I've never seen let alone ridden an Imp. But if the other car is really better then I have no problem taking it if it keeps more people in the series. Hope to race you all again on the next track;)
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  9. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    I agree the most important thing here is keeping people in the series. I've done a couple of series recently with only four or five drivers and that's a bit rubbish to be honest.
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  10. Csaba Lako

    Csaba Lako Pro Driver

    First time the driving of the car was a bit strange for me too, I thought I won't make good laptime with it. But now I like it. I can't even drive a mod normally so this little car is ok for me. Maybe is not realistic but I don't handle sim cars like in real life but like a computer program, I must be fast somehow. I don't care where brake bias is, how is gearbox, just to enjoy the time that I spend with it. And I enjoy it but I need you all for this. :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    @Paul Upham It is ok, let´s agree on option two, the car wanted to kill me. ;)

    Of course, it is not the first time I am (or we are :p) confronted with a "difficult" mod, however there are different level of that. I stand by words, the brakes are quite unique (other word for horrific) but for me that is not a reason to quit or pleading to change the car. When you start something, you follow through.

    Otherwise, feedback was given, how that affects the future after the series falls under the category of Ken knows best.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Kimi Martikainen

    Kimi Martikainen Pro Driver

    Staying in bad mod is bit stupid when there´s better one available, just saying....
  13. Scott Ring

    Scott Ring Pro Driver

    Just for another vote, I did a couple laps before the race and decided it didnt feel fun to drive. (even though I love St Petes)
  14. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I've tried the TC Imp and to me it feels as bad as those complaining about the Velo mod, with incipient understeer and its desire to head straight for the outside wall on corner exit when applying the power. I was several seconds slower at St Pete's on default setup, which IMO is either totally c**p and needs lots of time and effort to sort out a setup, or I'm missing something completely, which I doubt as I had the pleasure of driving a Sunbeam Stilletto version of this car in period and had no issues driving it on fast roads.

    We'll stick with the existing mod for Montjuich Park and if there is still unhappiness with it from some of those running (looks like 50/50 to me) I'll consider a Poll to see where we go forward.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    I,like Ken tried the TCL imp and to be honest it wasn't as good as I remembered. I prefer the one that we are using. At Montjuich I thought it was quite good. I found as Kai suggested moving the brake balance all the way fwd made it much better. You need to do this on the road rather than the set up menu.
    • Informative Informative x 3

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