rFactor 2 Round 1 Targa Florio TT - Sat Apr 27, 2024

Discussion in 'Mini Cooper 1961 Time Trial Series' started by John vd Geest, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Julian Care

    Julian Care Pro Driver

    Are there any really nasty corners that cannot be anticipated - like super tight hairpins or anything?
    I must admit there was nothing too bad in the first couple of miles.
    Also, how long will a lap take in the mini?
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Slow or tight corners are marked with a black and white warning sign. Just like it was on the real track. That should make you cautious.
    A fast lap is done below 40 minutes.
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  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    My experience on different sim versions of this same track (converted) is that there are some black/white markers for some slower corners, but then they are missing for others. Also some of those marked aren't always as slow as they indicate. No easy way to mark them out due to the track length unfortunately.
    Still it's a lot of fun to drive when you get in a rhythm and looks good too :)
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  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    Drivers briefing

    1. Targa Florio TT Conditions
    1) The Time Trail will start at 02:00 PM (in-game time of course)
    2) Time acceleration is normal. Fuel = 1x - Tyres = 1x
    3) Cut Track points are set to 3
    4) 50% damage
    5) The TT will take place during the Qualifying session. There is no "race" session.
    6) Qualification is set to "private". That means that you will be alone on track so you can put in your best time without traffic.
    7) You are allowed to press Esc during a timed lap and start again.
    8) You will get 2 attempts for a timed lap.
    The track still counts the outlap- and the inlap, that is why the total laps are set to 5.

    2. You can find the password for the race server on the Targa Florio event page.

    3. Unregistering in time if you can't make it.

    4. Please use the
    SAME NAME in the rFactor 2 game as on our SRO signup list or it won't match in our automated result processing.

    You can change your name in the rFactor 2 "Profile" menu.

    5. You can find the server by typing SRO or the track name. Add the server to your favorites so you can always find it.

    If you can't find the server in the rFactor 2 server list, you can access this way:
    1. click on this link: https://simracepackages.lima-city.de/rF2server/
    2. scroll down to "SRO" (it's alphabetical)
    3. choose the correct server and Join with the password (see point 4 above)
    4. the server will start automatically and will take you to the event


    Last but not least ...
    SIMRACINGONLINE wishes you a great race!
    And always remember that your fellow SRO members have also put in a lot of time practising for this race,
    so please be careful and respectful with your buddies. :)


    If you have questions, please ask them below.
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sorry guys, I made 2 mistakes setting up the server.
    1. I thought I had set it to "private" qual. Which I didn't do.
    2. I didn't realize that the game expects you to do the in-lap i.e. the 6th lap. I should have set the server to 6 laps. That only gave us 1 timed lap.
    Lesson learned. It turned out to be a shoot-out Time Trail of 1 lap.

    I hope you have a little patience with me, as this is the first time I'm doing this format.
    I know what to do now :)
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    TT Report.

    First I nearly shat myself when Phil Brown passed me because I thought I was alone on track and I had my mirrors off.
    After that I was doing great, until I made a little mistake and ended in a deep ditch that I could hardly get out of.
    As faith would have it, when I finally did get out with a stab at the throttle, I nearly T-boned Phil Brown. I can't believe that timing ... :confused:

    Grats to Robin Taylor. He did it the best haha. Well done bro!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    I was heavily confused by that one, the 40min outlap completely destroyed my front tyres. So right after starting my hotlap, I entered the pits to change tyres.
    Was that the same for you, or a major misconception by myself?

    Anyway, my lap was not that great, first sector was with pitstop, middle was ok and in the third I outbraked myself and had to find the way back to the track. I hope the next one will be better.
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