rFactor 2 Round 1 Townsville - Sat Sep 23, 2023

Discussion in 'USF2000 Awesome Club Track Series Closed' started by John vd Geest, Aug 28, 2023.

  1. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Good stuff Rob! Great commentating. Especially the yard sale. :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Andy Tomlinson

    Andy Tomlinson Pro Driver

    Damn, I did a drive through but I left the damage on the front left and nose and I still managed to grab a 6th.

    Take it I'd done the rear right in for you then?

    These can take quite a bit before performance drops.
  3. Julian Care

    Julian Care Pro Driver

    Well, that was sort of fun!
    Got squeezed into the wall on lap 1. Pitted for repairs and got a pit lane speeding penalty. Served the penalty, but got another speeding penalty entering the pit lane!
    God knows how many laps down I was by now, but I thought it would be bad form to hit the Escape button, so I just treated the rest of the race as a test session.
    The tyres took a hammering, but still my last lap was my quickest!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Paul Burnett

    Paul Burnett Pro Driver

    I got hit again while I was faffing about trying to get the car started. That's the last time I try manual clutch! LOL

    It became a bit of a handful after the damage, so I decided to pit. What a wrong decision that was.
  5. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Good race in which was struggling to find race pace. Felt like others driving open wheeler and i was doing rally cars.
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Replay uploaded.
  7. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Sorry, I think that was me. We were three wide and coming into the right "kink" it starts to narrow and I was trying to make sure I was giving enough room, messed up, caught the wheels of the car on the right which sent me left into you. Apologies. I was amazed that I don’t have to pit, so I just continued with bent suspension and steering.
  8. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Stream VOD

    Struggled in qually as usual but I did put in a PB.

    I was thankfully on the inside for turn 1 which kept me out of trouble. I got a better getaway than the white car ahead and passed them on the left. Spotter tells me "3 wide" so I stay close to the wall around the fast right hander (these mirrors are useless unless a car is alongside). I brake for turn 1 seemingly way later than everyone else but I didn't get too greedy. Cars trying to go 3 wide on exit and they get tangled. 12th to 9th, not bad!!

    I tried to chase in early laps, did some 4 wheel drifting so had to calm it down.

    Start of lap 5 I see a couple of car had a coming together at T1, I was extra cautious just in case they had ideas of rejoining so I took to the kerb and gave them a wide berth. Now up to 6th!

    I began chasing @Kai Syvertsen but I couldn't quite get on terms. Laps were too short and our laptimes were too similar. I could see a car smoking ahead and I looked forward to their engine hopefully giving up. On lap 17 I got my wish and they were parked up smoking even more. Wonder if I should try putting on some tape for Goodwood (I had none) :)

    So up to 5th! As much as I tried to close the gap I just couldn't close down 4th. @John vd Geest shadowed me for the latter half of the race. He could have been right on the pace if not for the first lap incident.

    Chuffed with this result... Goodwood will be a different kind of challenge!!
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Julian Care

    Julian Care Pro Driver

    No worries, it happens!
    I don't think the incident was picked up on the replay. It's a fairly tight little circuit, but enjoyable.
    Looking forward to the next one!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    Congratulation to 3 top drivers on the podium.
    I avoided an avoidable accident by hitting the wall. The car got very slow and the walls closer as the understeer sent me there.
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