Assetto Corsa Comp Round 2 Hungaroring

Discussion in '2023 ACC GT3 Series Closed' started by Rob Milliken, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    All the derogatory posts have been removed by Admin .. let's move on ...

    The mistake was all on me, because of the large sign-ups at the last minute I bought us a new 62-slot server from Emperor because I wanted everyone to be able to race, I was scrambling to set it up in time and some things were left out in my rush to set it that's all on me.

    It will be sorted for the next round ..

    Please be civil, we are all here to enjoy our hobby of choice, in the end, it's just a game so no need to go at each other ..

    If you want to yell at someone yell at me, I was the one who screwed up the settings so my apologies..

    Good news is the 62-slot server comes with a lot more bandwidth and I already noticed the connections were better ..
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
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  2. Justin de Jong

    Justin de Jong Pro Driver

    It whas a good race mate mistakes happen sometimes, no need to be sorry about it thnx that you make it able for us to drive here :)
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  3. Jesper Krombeen

    Jesper Krombeen Pro Driver

    @Rob Milliken . Many thanks for organizing the live stream of the race yesterday on the Hungaroring. I watched the stream after the race you have nice comments/ a great variety of views and repeats of take overs. Nicely done. Hope you will do live stream on next races of this Championship.
    Would you like to ask you what the server message was when I lost connection with the server from position 14 on the grid, 25 seconds before the green light start of the warm-up lap and had to start from the pit lane when I rejoined. Then I lost the connection again after crossing the start and finish line at the beginning of lap 8 and was then able to start again from the pit lane with a waiting time of 1 min 30. Very frustrating indeed. Do you hear more often on connection problems? If yes do you know potential causes. Thanks in advance for sending the error messages in advance. Kind regards, Jesper
  4. Justin de Jong

    Justin de Jong Pro Driver

    :):)@Sanio Alfa

    said to hear that you leave the championship.
    It is just a game and everyone around loves to race in general. And by just one little mistake whit the server settings, I should say just give it another change.

    ps. And now I cannot beat you anymore daddy:):p:D
  5. Justin de Jong

    Justin de Jong Pro Driver

    Goodluck see you later I will probably join lfm or aor races in the close future did not race there yet just play this game since march this year
  6. Peter Williamson

    Peter Williamson Pro Driver

    Wow! What a personal attack on someone who allows us all to race and enjoy our hobby by giving up their free time and energy to set the leagues up.
    It was a genuine mistake, it happens, we race and move on.
    I for one would like to thank @Rob Milliken and all the other admins for setting these series up for us to enjoy.
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  7. Nigel Middleton

    Nigel Middleton Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Good bye you will not be racing on this website ever again.
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  8. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It's all right, I have thick skin :D. It is my fault and that's that ..
    lol shit happens in real life that might make people act a little crazy or be unkind but this is not that place ..;)
    Thanks for all the support, .. All his posts and posts quoting his posts have been removed with the exception of Nigels .. ;)
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