rFactor 2 Round 2 Oulton Park 60s - Sun Apr 21, 2024

Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    In some cases when we see a tick next to a name the game thinks you are using a custom skin. In the chatlog your name was entering and leaving the server constantly which sometimes suggests there is a custom skin problem.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
  2. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    If you are the problem for someone you would not necessarily notice anything. I can't remember but a few guys said they had a problem with you. For me and Jacob it was fine but apparently not everyone.
  3. Oli Bateson

    Oli Bateson Pro Driver Donator

    Enjoyed this track and had some decentish pace, managed to qualy 8th. Got up-to 7th at one point but then had far too long in the pits getting full set of tyres :(
    I guess running with worn tyres would have been quicker in the long run :rolleyes:
    Grats to podium!
    For info though, in case it helps with the skin issues, although I had a standard skin I did keep seeing my game freeze at the end of a session. Alt-tabbing out I could then see a .mas file error dialogue. I was able to enter OK to that and tab back to rF2 which was then responsive again. In warmup I left and rejoined to try and get rid of any issues and I didnt see any more of those .mas errors (after warmup or race).
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  4. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    There are pretty long pauses if there were lots of temp cars to load. It always happens but might be a bit more with this mod?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
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  5. Oli Bateson

    Oli Bateson Pro Driver Donator

    p.s. I could see John's flowery skin on the GTO so that seemed to work ok
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  6. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Stream VOD

    I'm a top 10 driver in this series, no hopes of really pushing for podiums. I drove out my skin to get 7th on the grid which I was pretty chuffed with, that last corner was killing me and I think I only got 1 good clean lap in.

    When the race started I made the getaaway of my life and was able to get up to 4th going out of T1. Surprised myself at the pace of my launch and I was able to keep up with the top 3 for a bit. I sniffed around the rear of @Kiril Kirilov's Mustang as I think the bunching slowed them down, but as soon as they stretched their legs they were away!!

    5th and 6th had a coming together at T1 so the top 4 broke away. I set my target of being fast enough to hold onto 4th from @Phil Brown and I was managing to pull away bit by bit.

    Lap 14, After some lonely lapping I could see a lapped car ahead and it was well timed for just before my first pit stop. to my surprise I saw a slow Mustang out the final turns and Kiril had to grief and I was through to 3rd! Next lap I was able to pass the lapped car into the final turn was to be my undoing and I spun around and @Gilles da'Silva had nowhere to go. I think Kiril must have spun in sympathy when he saw the track blocked. I had no choice but to come into the pits for my fuel stop. Flustered and making sure I turned off damage I missed my pitstall and had to reverse a little. Costly mistake dropping me to 9th on pit exit, chasing the king of strategy in this series @Edward Jones in his Stingray.

    Lap 17 and I was able to get passed Ed and up to 5th while other people pitted. On the next lap I came up behind a lapped car that couldn't make up their mind if they were staying to the inside or keeping on the race line. Up to the fast right hander they stayed on the inside blocking the apex and slowing a lot and I had to brake to avoid and spun around, down to 8th!

    Please... lapped cars, stay on the racing line and remain predictable and the faster cars will make their way passed!! If you move to the inside then outside, the faster car has to try and mind read you to figure out what your intentions are.

    More pitstops taking place and up to 6th and chasing Phil who I could see in the distance. Coming over the crests and following Phil's yellow car, then suddenly I see a Cobra facing the wrong way. Time was short to make a decision of where to go, I braked hard and the back came around which took the decision away from me as I headed to the scene of the accident, maybe target fixation too. *sigh* Could this race get any worse? *spoiler yes!* The next lap I got a tank slapper through the final turn and I was around AGAIN! Pointing uphill and trying to spin the tyres to get the car around took time, lost a place to @Nick Westy in his Porsche (not a Ferrari @Rob Milliken ;) ).

    Lap after lap I tried so hard to catch Nick but it was small increments. At this point I thought a top 10 was still possible after the final pit stops. Lap 26 coming down the hill and out of the left hander onto the straight I could see dust kicked up of a car off on the left as I was gaining on Nick. The car appeared out of the dust and speared across the track onto the racing line and of course, in front of me. FFS!! I will name no names but not great. It seems you were stuck inside some grass geomtry on the left of the circuit and the car wasn't turning right so you went full lock. When your car left the offending object it over corrected and you floored the throttle instead of braking spinning you from the left of the track all the way to the right. Grass is slippy, never a good idea to floor it, especially in a Cobra!

    Down to 11th now and out of the points.... what more could possibly go wrong in this race?! I spoke too soon... Lap 27 and I crossed the line and my VR headset went black, I could hear car sounds and a crash... what did I hit?! It came back after a few seconds and thankfully I was still on the track and I had caused no carnage but Ed Jones was back passed.

    Lap 30 I was into my final pitstop exiting in 13th and my hope of a top 10 was slipping away! Now in the awkward position of lapping cars while having the leaders coming up behind. Through the fast right hander and up the hill, a lapped Cobra bursts into flames and spins. I surprised I didn't hit that car too the way my luck had been going. I tried my best to let the leaders through in quick succession. Stayed in the draft of the laders once they got passed but that wasn't long. I could see cars ahead for position trying to let the leaders through, my only hope was they slowed themselves down so I could catch up.

    Two spinners late on and I was up to 11th!! It was now the last lap and I could see 10th place up ahead and catching but I was going to run out of time. One car decided they wanted to stay on the lead lap through the fast right hander, but in doing so spun and I was through to 10th!! 9th was just ahead but I had run out of time.

    I was kicking myself.... I was up in the top 5 but spins and getting caught up in other people's accidents meant after all that I earned ONE point. *sigh*

    Hoping the next round I can put this behind me and try get an electric start again!
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  7. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    That's probably the message I got. So what should I do?
  8. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    You can try to Alt+Tab and click on "ok". That should get you back in the game.
  9. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    OK, that's what I did. But that doesn't eliminate the cause of the message.
    It's just a skin, after all, without importance...:rolleyes:
  10. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    No, it doesn't. But ...

    I have asked a few members with skinning experience to form a workgroup / think-tank to try and resolve the skinning issue.
    They are working on that now behind the screen.
  11. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Its odd, I saw a few flowery custom skins but the only one who had the green check mark was Barrett. But it looked Like he had a default skin. So no idea what the cause was, I had the issue everytime I escaped back into the pits, or when the Session changed from qual to warm-up. I did not Drive in warm-up which might prevented another oneā€¦
    Anyway, as Barrett said - I checked my Setting folder for skins and as he Said, there were some in there. So I deleted them too, maybe it helps.

    In the end this Problem is annoying but I Can Deal with it, at least until now.
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  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    YouTube Broadcast Oulton Park 60s is added to the playlist.

    Love the 60/70s intro music :)
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