rFactor 2 Round 2 Road Atlanta - Sun Apr 16, 2023

Discussion in 'IMSA 2023 Sports Car Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    Pasha Paterson said: The downshift "protection" on these GT3s is absolutely maddening.

    I was listening to a race commentator at Sebring congratulating a driver and noting that the young batch of drivers just don’t blow up transmissons like they use too. John, said the driver, I go into corners clicking away looking for the downshift. It is called downshift protection not so much skill.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Paulo Rodrigues

    Paulo Rodrigues Pro Driver

    Server down?
  3. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

  4. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    atleast not showing on livetiming so probably
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Some update had to be done. Server is back up.
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  6. Kahel Grahf

    Kahel Grahf Pro Driver

    server seem down
  7. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It was a few times because we had connection problems with this track. Finally the race got under way.
  8. Kahel Grahf

    Kahel Grahf Pro Driver

    Sorry your race got ruined because of my crash @Nicola.
    It was a bad spot... wish I saw you... but unfortunatly, I only saw the fast yellow car trying to go to my left... my instinct on the spot was trying to avoid him. Didn't saw you at all there.
    Again... sorry... a shame.
  9. Nick Newcombe

    Nick Newcombe Pro Driver

    Great driving @Michele Rizzo we could have gone on for a few more laps until stupid dive-bomb move! Missing next round as its my first Festival of the year, at least I can drown my sorrows there. Hope some lessons have been learnt from tonight, or Mosport could be the same sadly.
  10. Michele Rizzo

    Michele Rizzo Pro Driver

    In the first stint also I got hit twice in the same lap by two P2s when I was second. They have no patience
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Well that was an eventful race lol!

    couldn’t understand why the frame rate was so poor. Wasn’t doing anything unusual, same settings. Thought for a moment it was the RF2 update and maybe some super duper graphics setting was upsetting the PC. So at the first start I literally couldn’t see the cars moving in front of me, pulled over and retired.

    whilst watching the start from the pits, i noticed cars disappearing and then the dreaded disconnect kicked in.

    thought I’d quickly look at my pc settings, and to my amazement, the pc has decided to run the game on my motherboard graphics rather than the card, which explains why the performance was so bad! :(

    Quickly changed the settings, back up to 100fps! Back into restarted server and good to go.

    I’m so sorry for the contact at the start, I braked early, and then the car in front checked up some more and I couldn’t slow down enough and hit the back. Really sorry.

    I spun round with frontal damage and really wanted to get back to the pits but the GT’s came through and I couldn’t get across the track, so did one more lap, pitted for repairs and full service and just ran the rest of the race as fast as I could. My apologies to the GT guys, I was taking much bigger risks than normal in traffic because I was so determined to make up time but I tried to keep the passes as clean as possible.

    so to finish 4th is a little victory really, the only downer is it probably should’ve been another 3rd I think but points are the most important thing so all good.

    congrats to the winners and all the finishers.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    the last time we raced on this track there was a lot of contact between the P2’s and the GT’s, I did see a few GT’s being pushed off track by the P2’s which isn’t really on. So well done for hanging on. I had a few near misses but no contact I don’t think!
  13. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    Sorry to whomever was in that prototype that I sideswiped on the back straight while messing with the pit stop menu. There were a couple of other contacts in the race that might also have been my fault.

    Anyway, starting 16th and finishing 6th feels like a win. I had a great occasional battle with Barrett but never could get the best of him. Somehow I managed to survive double-stinting the hard tires and make it to the checkered flag, ten spots up from where I started.

    Thanks to John vdG for persevering through the frustrations of making rFactor2 behave while still trying to race.

    I had to leave immediately after the race but I might have a stream this week where I go back over the replay in detail.

    See you all at Watkins Glen in two weeks. :D

    EDIT: Permanent link to the full-race highlight
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
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  14. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Well ... I thank you very much for thanking me, but I had lost all my focus and feeling for the track. Doesn't matter in the greater scope of the Universe ;)
    Although I must say, I am very pleased that eventually, we did get the race underway with a lot of improvisation. And I would like to give everybody who stuck with it a big thank you!! for their patience and keeping their cool.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The RACE results have been posted.
    The Qual results are a mess, as one would expect, so they are not as they were (at all). But race results give the points, and they are oke.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  16. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    Tuff race for me last night , I spin after a couple of laps and after that was a nightmare to get to the Alf of the race , on the second stint I ménage the tires better and this time with no errors was bit more easy to make tires longer , 2nd place , quite happy with that looking forward to round 3
  17. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    i had runoff in esses and spun little and gt car hit me and broke my car.
  18. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    On a side note, i do hope if gt car has been pushed off by faster class, you protest it or there will be never a learning process.
    • Like Like x 3
  19. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    Well I nearly did not make it. After the 1st disconnect I went down and poured myself a whiskey to drown my sorrows and noticed that everyone was in the pit. I dashed back to the car and just barely made it. Damn stressful, I nearly split my drink.
    Somehow I made it up to 4th and pitted the first time as I felt I need new tires. Never got them. I had set it up before the first start and forgot to for the 2nd restart. You can double stint mediums it seems as they worked great the 2nd stint as long as I did not push.
    A few laps after I pitted I was following another car up the blind hill at T5. The guy went right and I left. There was a car full stopped and I hit it instantly. Somehow I made it back to the pit with 4 wheels and it took more than 3 minutes and laps to fix the car. I really like this track and would have liked to have gone right. Oh well… At least I got back ahead of all the GTs.
    It was a good race and lots of fun. Congratulations to the podium guys in both classes.
    It is nice to do all these North American tracks
    I really like all them.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2023
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  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I think most people forgot (as I did) that if you move straight to race from practice, there has been no rubber build-up at all. You're basically driving a green track.
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