rFactor 2 Round 2 Road Atlanta - Sun Apr 16, 2023

Discussion in 'IMSA 2023 Sports Car Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    i think it was more the part of the car between sterring whell and driver seat :D
    • Funny Funny x 4
  2. Andreas Seibel

    Andreas Seibel Pro Driver Donator

    Hi all
    Thx a lot for the effort John to make the race going!
    I was happy with my Q time, though after the glitch didnt remember exactly where I had qualified and just stayed where I was at race start.
    At around midtime a P2 car overtook me spectaculous at the eSes, crashed into barrier, bounced back on track and I couldnt avoid fatal collision.
    After repair just wanted to finish race, following Rob for a while (though 1 lap down) but again divebombed by a P2 at the eSes around 9 Min before race end, car totally broken, left it where it was (not nice from my side - but I was totally pissed and went for a smoke). I have no records as this causes lags on my system and also dont like to report someone - but expected at least a sorry. I thought this is kind of gentlemen driving but especially some P2 drivers are too impatient, though the leading P2 drivers behavied very well. Congrats to the winners, looking forward to next race.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    If you think you have a reason to protest, please do so. It will be reviewed and if the protest is valid, the guilty party will get a penalty.
    By my experience, some LMP2 drivers are indeed too aggressive in their overtaking in places that are just absurd to do it there.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  4. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Hi John. Any possibility uploading the replay for this race? Ty!

    Congrats on the win Carl. Well done. Congrats to podiums and to all that finished. It was a hard one.
    I'm going to have to agree with some here on the aggressiveness of a few P2 drivers. If I hadn't moved out of the way a handful of times, I'd be toast. Sometimes to the point of having to go into the grass to survive.

    All in all, it was fun.

    • Like Like x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Grats to the podiums!
    Verry strange server issues we had? it finally settled down after a few tries & I was glad to see most everyone made it back ..
    This was my first race in a while & I was extremely happy to get a top 10 :D ..

    rFactor 2(rFactor2.exe) Screenshot 2023.04.17 -

    I started around 12th after the restart mix-ups and was simply trying to keep my nose clean. With limited practice, I decided to add more wing to just be safe which proved to be the difference in me bringing the car home in one piece. This made me a sitting duck on the long straits but kept me solid in the esses & final turn.
    I knew I was at a disadvantage when the Ferrari's blasted by me early on ..

    rFactor 2(rFactor2.exe) Screenshot 2023.04.16 -

    But then I found myself climbing up the leaderboard as cars started having mishaps that I assumed were due to low downforce? :rolleyes:

    rFactor 2(rFactor2.exe) Screenshot 2023.04.16 -

    I'm really liking the new tire model on the GT3's & it seems they have also adjusted the "flat spots" to be less severe?

    I had good luck with the protos and passing, with one exception on the tight right-hander going into the long sector 3 strait where I got tangled up a bit but for the most part, luck was on my side!:D

    Extremely happy with a 7th-place finish when my objective was simply to finish:eek::rolleyes:
    I hope I can make the next one
    Thanks for the laps !~!~
    • Like Like x 7
  6. Taner Selvi

    Taner Selvi Pro Driver

    If you mean this https://www.veed.io/view/987b7ebe-89d6-4d6a-8488-3bdaefa941b7?sharingWidget=true&panel=share
    clearly I am neither agressive nor dive bomber, quite took a line before turning, obvious by your side almost after chicane through eses ( not in eses, quite before eses ) and you turn your wheel on me as my car is straight. I believe you typed not to watch replay with your emotions. But of course it is open for a protest. If so, this is my defence : )
  7. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    @Taner Selvi hehe i did the same but lost it on the kerb which eventually landed me in middle of the road. So im the spectacular one :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Andreas Seibel

    Andreas Seibel Pro Driver Donator

    @Taner Selvi thx for taking time to reply
    Yep thats the situation I meant. As I said before I have no replay. The sequence you posted is a bit short, but i accept that it looks like my own fault as well. But at the same time please understand that in this part of track (right left right left) you are fully concentrated on the racing line and its hard to also observe the mirror and take consideration for an overtaking P2 car. A bit more patience please as most P2 drivers did in this section would be highly appreciated, even if it was my own fault regulation wise.
    • Like Like x 4
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The replay link is uploaded on the event page (where the results are).
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Thanks for the YouTube upload.

    Interesting, from my "seat" I was in the rebellion livery, although as I was bouncing in and out of the server. Didn’t think too much about it and just got on with the race.

    Yet on the replay I am in the Mazda livery I created (I did some changes to be more IMSA "like") and then renamed all the files, redid the MAS file as well. So all good it seems.
    • Like Like x 3
  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    I chuckled when the commentators thought I was a rookie — no, I've just been away for a long time and I'm still slow. :D
    • Like Like x 2

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