Assetto Corsa Round 3 Barcelona City Streets

Discussion in 'Hillman Imp Classic Trophy Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Jan 27, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Nobody actually stated that penalties had been experienced during the race until post #15, it started out as a general question from Flaviu. I will investigate why penalties were given as they shouldn't be with our AC server. Did anybody else encounter this issue?
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  2. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    It told me to slow down to 20mph for five seconds or something after I ran a bit wide on one lap
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  3. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Probably a misunderstanding (for both of my points, presumably), in post nine I tried to describe what happened to me during a practice race on the server. Due to that I was super careful approaching the final turn, because I knew when I mess that up, it could be game over.

    Anyway, I should have posted that before the race but only after your comment I understood that this was not intended.

    A possibility but that makes actually not much sense, as the content manager does not change the track nor does the shaders patch.

    I thought a while about that and if I am not mistaken, for quite I while I experienced this inconsistent track limit behavior. For instance I know that encountered that too, as we drove the Formula Abarth in Miami Bayside, or in Zolder with the BMW 235i. It just popped up from time to time, while on other tracks/places/occasions it did not. I never questioned that before Kens remarks.
  4. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Did you actually slow down Phil? Did anybody ignore the warnings and actually get a penalty?
    I'm wondering if the warning is still active but no penalty is applied? Just thinking out loud.
  5. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    After looking again at the server settings, all penalties for Tyres, Cuts & Collisions were set to OFF but one of the parameters linked to penalties for collisions was enabled which could have been the reason for the warnings seen when hitting barriers etc, although they are also speed related, which adds another variable to the equation.

    Let's see how it goes next time out after I've disabled those parameters.
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  6. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    I didn't have the guts to disobey the race marshals.
    I was thinking if not slow down I will get a drive through or something like this.
    But, for me, it was a first on SRO AC servers
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  7. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    I did what it asked
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  8. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Kay did not explicitly mention why he was disqualified, but I am sure he was disqualified because he "ignored" the penalty. As I tried to explain before, on the SRO server prior to the race I drove some laps and I also got disqualified, because I "ignored" the penalty.

    Ignored is in quotation marks because, the left-hand side curb on the start-finish straight was also an area where you could get such a penalty. But the key difference is, when you need to take the penalty before you begin a new lap, there are only a few 100 meters left to do that. Otherwise you are disqualified and teleported to pitlane with a black flag displayed on your screen. That is nearly impossible to avoid at that spot when you are unaware of that risk.

    So ignoring it is not recommened, even if you have more time to serve it, as in Miami. Let´s see if Kens change removed that behavior.
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  9. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sounds like the track devs didn't take fully into account the AC penalty system in their design.
  10. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    The rejection came as a surprise to me, I turned a little wide on the main straight and DSQ!
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  11. Paul Villiers

    Paul Villiers Pro Driver

    Hi All,

    Hope the series is going well. really fancied this one as I really like this car. And also the track selection is awsome.
    I have tried and tried to get on with the Imp.. having problems, basically whatever clutch/shifter option I set I struggle with the car.
    all other cars in AC are fine. I use Paddle shifters and just throttle and brake pedals, NO Shifter.
    I normally use auto clutch and "Blip" i think thats what its called. with any combination I cannot get the throttle to blip on downshifts, it may not be working properly on the upshifts but that fine.

    No matter what I try to do whenever Im aproaching a corner or even a tightish Bend, any downshifts just lock the rear wheels or creat an instant 360 spin. I can ease the problem if I downshift with a positive throttle rather than my usual trailing throttle but this upsets the car far too much.

    making changes in game or in Content manager do not help.

    I dont know enough about the Car or the Game to see if their is a file entry or something I could alter somewhere ?

    Any Help Please ?
  12. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    Try setting ing the brake bias all the way to the front. 75% I think. Do this when you're driving the car because there may be a problem when adjusting it from the set up menu.
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  13. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    For me, keeping the throttle pushed a little on downshift did the trick and make the car "somehow" drivable
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Try leaving the downshifts a little later in the slowing down phase and you can still blip the throttle manually as you change down. which should help to synchronise the engine/gearbox speeds a bit more. You could also try lowering the Diff Coast value which helped me a lot.
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  15. Paul Villiers

    Paul Villiers Pro Driver

    Thanks Guys. Will try all your advice.
    I think from what I've already tried, that using all 3 ideas should help a lot.
    I'm happy to realise it's not just me or my PC. Thanks.
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