rFactor 2 Round 3 Portland

Discussion in 'CART 1990 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    You're right. For this mod it isn't.
  2. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    was little unprepared for this one and well mod in general but race pace again was ok.
    i knew my tyres will last and had allmost even tyrewear all around so end game would have been nice. tho i dont know how much punishment these tires take so have to find out in the next one.
    had really enjoyable few laps there running behind @Roberto Balli because i knew who i was running with and having a quality old school company on track. after his little slip(?) i got given the room to move forward. ty for that. maybe our tactics varied little.
    got into no mans land after that what comes to running high performance cars with so much difference in pace and braking. felt i got braketested by backmarker like 75 meters too soon to the corner and that was that. i just wish that faster the car goes, more would people test the limits or atleast take a little note if got blue flag or not.
    nevertheless looking forward for midohio as i know its fantastic track which i really enjoy to race. it has ze flow. maybe get few praccy laps in? who knows..
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  3. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Grats to podium. @Roberto Balli is sneaky. Always getting those top 3. The way it's done folks.

    Good racing @Phil Brown and @Rob Swindells . You guys are fast. I could feel the heat. Glad everyone showed up. Reminds me of the old days when the grids were full of racers.

    Agree with Toni. Blue flag. It's not that the guy lapping someone is trying to race him, it's just that he can't get around because the back marker is racing him. I say 95% do it right when getting passed. It's the 5% that will take you out of the race because he's not going to let you pass without a fight.

    Well, on to the next race.

    • Like Like x 4
  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    True, and isn't it a little late to be macho-man when you''re being lapped? That boot has sailed.
  5. Rob Swindells

    Rob Swindells Pro Driver

    It's a legitimate tactic in IndyCar because the full course yellow could come out and you could stay on the lead lap.

    In this league, however, there is no chance of the full course yellow/safety car so it is not a legitimate tactic here. It's pointless, just let the leader go.
    I would like to say I had no issues lapping cars in Portland
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