rFactor 2 Round 4 Brands Hatch - Sun May 19, 2024

Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    I'm sorry I pushed you on the brakes Paul, I was surprised by your braking.:oops:
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  2. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    NP Christian. If I don't brake in corners, I tend to go off the track...lol:D;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Stream VOD

    Apologies in advance for anyone that does watch the VOD for the trackside car volumes. Unsure if it was a mod problem of something I changed in OBS. You probably won't here me complaining over the engines when it switches to trackside full screen :)

    I was optimistic with trying to get a top 5 in qually, I think I only put in one fast lap and subsequent laps I just kept making mistakes and overdriving leaving me down in 8th. I was nervous at the start giving it too much revs, and also too little. The last thing I wanted was to stall on the grid and be boned up the rear, but that thankfully didn't happen and I got away. I was also lucky to get away with no jump start as I accidently changed up to 1st and the car starting rolling just before the green. The crew chief was going nuts with the amount of spotter calls so I just had to be vigilant and not move my line too much into turn 1, sorry to @Paul Upham that I drifted wide into you, I was unsure if cars were up my inside and didn't want to get spun around.

    I felt quick around the first few turns and I managed to get on @Matias Estrela's gear box. They went wide coming out of Hawthorn Bend and I was able to cutback and pass on exit. The speed of the cobra pulled out a little bit of a gap and I already on @John vd Geest's tail by lap 2 but I made a mistake coming onto the Cooper straight and dropped back.

    With 55 mins to go and at the start of the lap I had caught up to John, I got a good exit out of Paddock Hill Bend and had momentum so moved to the inside. Scared me a little that I thought John was going to defend and hoped I could get it stopped into Druids Hairpin. Now up to 6th and chasing @Jacob Smyth down for 5th place. With 51 mins to go I was right on their tail. They went wide coming out of Surtees losing momentum onto the straight. I got a good draft and held my breath hoping I could get it stopped at the top of the hill and through I went. Now surprisingly into the top 5, way more than I expected coming into this race!! I was able to pull away a bit then with just over 48 mins to go I noticed @Kiril Kirilov at the side of the road.... up to 4th... what is happening?!

    Then with just under 43 mins to go I see a car in the distance (which my crew chief can't pronounce) and it seemed to be @Michał Mazurek, wasn't expecting him back here!! I didn't think I really had the pace to catch him but it was good to have a carrot to chase. Now with 40 mins to go I made my first pit stop, thankfully I had practiced this pit entry a bit in practice. If this was the 1986 track, would it really have that little chicaine?! Thanks I hate it :) Out of the pits I went and right into the path of @Stefanos Papavasileiou which probably gave him a shock, but not much I could do. Now down to 8th and wondering where I would be after the first pit stop phase.

    Michal pitted a lap or so after me and was very lucky on pit exit, overtaking @Barrett Erickson who was now between us, damn! It took me a while to get the run on Barrett and get him coming out of Clark Curve but Michal had already pulled a gap on me. With just under 35 mins to go we were coming up to Dingle Dell and I noticed puffs of dust on the inside leading up to Stirlings. I knew there was a car in there somewhere and I was hoping they stayed left. But no.....their car spun ACROSS the track and I had nowhere go.... HOLD THE BRAKE!!!! On checking the replay Michal held the brake until nearly stopped, but then released it which when meant he rolled in reverse across the track right onto the racing line! I was lucky to not get any significant damage and carried on.

    Now I was being chased instead of chasing which made things a bit more exciting!! Pitting cars now meant I was now up to 5th, nearly back to where I started pre-pitstops and we started to approach lapped cars. We headed out the back of the circuit and hoped to get passed on a straight. The lapped car seemed to block the inside of Stirling's bend which meant I couldn't get around at all. Hold the racing line!!! This meant Michal closed up significantly onto Clearways. I got by into Clark Curve and it worked out in my favour as Michal got held up even further and I pulled out a gap. More pitstops and passed half distance and up to 3rd!!

    Just over 17 mins to go and now up to 2nd, I pitted what I thought should just be a fuel stop. Somehow my pitcrew decided I needed front tyres, so instead of 18 seconds, I was in there for 35!! I sat helplessly as Jacob pitted after me and left way before I did, DISASTER!! All that effort and screwed in the pitstops!! Out of the pits and with work to do!! Right, let's just say that now, my car now had "balance issues". This would become apparent with 13 mins to go when exiting Druids and the rear just got away from me, such a slow speed spin!!! Now I could see a familiar Cobra catching up!

    10 mins to go - 2.2 secs, 9 mins to go - 1 second... I was losing time hand over fist!! I had no confidence in the rear end now that the front had more grip and the balance was all off. There were to be more hairy moments exiting Druids, lucky to keep it under control!! Coming up to lapped cars with a Cobra breathing down my neck was nerve wracking. Passed a car coming into Paddock hill and had a full opposite lock moment on the exit of Druids and Michal was on the outside leading up Graham Hill, thankfully I was able to keep enough ahead to get to the apex. Left the corner in the wrong gear so felt the need to defend up to Surtees leaving me vulnerable onto the straight. but I had no choice.

    4 mins to go and passed another lapped car.... the pressure was on! With 3 mins go and Michal taking a half chance into Druids, I left space and went a bit wider on exit killing my momentum on exit but knew I had the inside for the next. Side by side through Graham Hill bend but I could hold them off through Surtees and onto the straight. 2 mins to go and hoping my fuel numbers were correct. Druids hairpin still causing me grief but I manaed to keep it pointing the right way.

    Now onto the last lap and I get it a little loose out of Paddock Hill so defended up to Druids, my cursed corner! Kept it tight around the apex and was careful on exit not to spin up the tyres. Stretched my legs a little and kept in mind the remaining pass places and my weak points. Kept Dingle Dell tidy and knew I had enough into the final turn, hugged the pit wall and then crossed the line....... *faints*
    • Like Like x 3
  4. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    One stop. No idea, why the Merc was so fuel efficent this time.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Reads like a novel. Good review :)

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