rFactor 2 Round 4 CTMP Mosport - Sun May 14, 2023

Discussion in 'IMSA 2023 Sports Car Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Lorne Martin

    Lorne Martin Pro Driver

    Thanks for the fun. Off on a F1 cruise now. Imola, Monaco and Barcelona. This trip has been on my bucket list for a long time. Be home for the last race. Good luck to all...
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  2. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Well done to the winners in both classes :)

    Arrggghh, so annoyed with myself :mad: Got caught out on cold tyres, car started to let go down the hill into the hairpin, got it back but went onto the grass and I was into the tyre wall :eek::rolleyes:

    Dragged the car back to the pits (car was crabbing pretty badly) 145 second repair pit stop later I just did the best I could but lost so much time. Is what it is, just important I score points.

    Annoying as I maybe had the pace to win here. So that’s frustrating but my own fault.

    Well done to all the finishers, brilliant bunch of drivers on here, and a great track to race on :D

    Road America next, another tyre eater :p;)
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
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  3. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Wow! Have fun. I’m afraid I’m not much of an F1 fan much these days but that trip sounds amazing, all the best and have a great time :)
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
  4. Well, first of all congratz everyone for this intense race at Mosport! It was certainly one of the best races of the season so far!

    Secondly, I'll be at Imola as well! But not to Monaco and Barcellona. This year I only bought Imola and Monza
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  5. Taner Selvi

    Taner Selvi Pro Driver

    It was really hard race with short and high volume of cars everywhere even rarely clean lap. I got couple of touches and paid off having pit to repair. Sorry guys If I have fault was really hard to settle the car between 2-3 cars at once.
    Congratulations to the finishers.
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  6. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    A few years ago I was on a road trip and decided to stop at Imola, one to see the circuit and also to pay my respects to the Senna statue.

    Really beautiful circuit, seems so cool to have a small village, school and a pretty park in the middle of a race circuit. No racing going on so I managed to walk some of it.

    The Senna statue is very emotional, surrounded by flags, t-shirts, teddy bears. All sorts of items that people have left for him. I was glad I stopped by.

    Hope you have a great time and enjoy the weekend.
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
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  7. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    is there an "envy" icon?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  8. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    What a race! CTMP has always been a favorite of mine and it seems to treat me especially well (when I don't bin it on that downhill run toward Moss Corner...)
    Here was my plan going into the race, based on offline practice:
    about 76 laps at alien pace
    about 152L fuel needed
    120L capacity in the McLaren
    3%/lap tire loss means we must two-stop it (only 66 laps on 2 sets of tires)
    dividing fuel need by 3 yields about 51L per stint
    start with 65L, add 50L at first stop, fuel to end at second stop​
    So I got into the actual practice session and noticed my tires were heating up on the outside edge... A few camber adjustments and I doubled the tire life!
    But being the cynic that I am, I thought that was too good to be true and kept my original strategy.
    Sure enough I was approaching the end of the first stint and my tire wear was about half of what I expected.
    So I took the gamble and took all the fuel I needed for the rest of the race, and then had to drive just over 50 minutes on a single set of tires...
    I don't know how I survived that long, and my LF tire was close to 40% at the end, but it was good enough to creep home in 3rd, with Johnny and Tim looming in my mirrors about to put me a lap down. :eek:
    Thanks again to all the LMP2s who displayed extraordinary patience as they followed the GT3s through those tight corners.
    Thanks also to Nick for the battle of my life in the first stint! :cool:
    I probably won't be close to the front at Road America but I'm hoping to pull off another upset at my real-life home track of VIR at the season finale. :D
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  9. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    Fun race!

    Love Mosport. Grats to Riccardo and my teammate Johnny on the wins (Johnny tells us he's from "California" but we suspect he's not referring to the state on the west coast of the US, but rather a planet somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy, not sure why his pings aren't a problem, but then they probably have more advanced technology to compensate).

    Grats to the podium finishers, with a special strategy grats to Pasha (just finished watching your stream, great race!).

    And the Eitha stream was good as always.

    As for my race...

    I've been struggling with the new tire model. Along with other idiosyncrasies, i have a preference for a bit of under-steer, so the car feels stable when i push it. But the tires don't seem to tolerate that anymore. Wouldn't be a big deal if a tire change didn't cost 24sec on top of the fuel time. So i've been trying to get used to a looser balance so as to open up the strategic options. Today's car felt close, but still not there. I did manage to do the whole race on one set of hards, but the difference, front to rear (20% LF vs. 54% on the rears remaining at the end), was more than enough to throw the handling off. I think i might have been better off pushing harder and changing, but not unhappy with the result.

    Looking forward to Road America.
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  10. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That happened to me too Andrew. Right at the beginning of the race. I had a very low rear wing, so it oversteered going down to the hairpin. I took my foot off the throttle a bit too abrupt and all the weight shifted to the front. That was it for me.
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  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    @Broadcast team;
    Great commentary guys. Loved it !!
    You guys really bring the races alife :)
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  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    No-shows (keeping the entry list real)

    The No-Shows for this round have been removed from the series.

    If a driver does not show without unregistering for that event or letting us know that he can't make it on the event forum, he will be removed from the series.
    If he is no longer interested in the series, it's fine like it is.
    If he forgot about the event, he can sign up for the series again.
  13. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Yeah I'm going to be beating myself up about that one for a while...:p:rolleyes:
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  14. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    It was actually much better than I first thought, on the practice I did with AI cars I was passing them everywhere but mainly into the last sector the speed difference was crazy so in the server I wasn't being a sim racing snob about the "flashing lights" thing it was genuine concern that the closing speed was so huge I was worried that I was going to smash into someone. Brilliant race track though, I hope they never change it.

    You drove a brilliant race, well done :)
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  15. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Congrats to the winners and finishers of both classes, another very enjoyable race. Absolute classic track, never raced there before, definitely looking forward to racing there again. Had a good quali PB time P3 my best showing yet, settled nicely into the race, followed Tim and Johnny, quite surprised I could keep them in touch, found myself in P1 after whatever had happened to Johnny, Just as I was finishing my 1st stint I got punted off by an Lmp car trying to pass me on the inside of T2, Not the best place to do it really, I understand it's a hard track for the lmp's to get around the GT's but a little patience wouldn't go a miss, pitted after that and came back out and did another lap and again got taken put by an LMP. Race over.

    On to the next :cool:
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 2
  16. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Yeah, some LMP2 drivers need to be more patient or at least more smart as to where and when to overtake before a corner.
    I make it very clear where LMP2's should not go as I try to spot them long before they reach me and cover off my line or inside of the corner leaving no room for them to go there.
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
  17. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    I was heartbroken for you while watching back the Eitha broadcast. You've had some hard luck this season and seeing you up front in the C7.R was really something. You definitely had the pace to contest the win. Hoping for the stars to finally align for you next time.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Good racing everyone. Congrats to Riva for the win. Well deserved, and to all who finished this tough fun track. Thank you to race broadcaster. Great hearing you guys. Pasha Paterson, another great steamer. I race then later I watch the streams :D Then my siblings ask me what I do all day.

    I had fun racing Tim Cartwright and Robin Taylor. Two fast guys on a mission. Tim started on hards as far I remember. I was on meds so wanted to get by as fast as possible. The softer the compound, the faster off the cliff you go. Managed to get by only to get turned around by Michael LaBelle a few laps later. As you can tell, I left plenty of room on the inside so he could pass but he still managed to take me out. In his defense, it wasn't intentional, just a bit to hot for that part of the track he was turning on. We've all been there, done that. Caught back up to Tim and Robin and just decided to just let it go and 3rd would be a good place to finish. Wasn't going to happen. Again, I was turned around. This time from a impatient driver. The same LMP driver that took out Robin in this race. It would have been great to see Robin and Tim go at it but was not meant to be. In the defense of the LMP driver, his windshield banner did say, "Impatient since 2016." All joking aside, I dusted myself off and back to racing I went. Car was a bit broken this time. Understeer on gas, oversteer on lift off. The car was smacked on the exact same right quarter panel/wheel, twice. Had to learn how drive the car without getting it fixed. Lost it once while still learning. Now it was more like, can I finish in the top 5? That would be nice. I caught back up to Tim. Went for the pass down the straight and this time it stuck. I think Tim and Robin were fast but maybe luck was just on my side this time. It actually doesn't matter if you finish 1st or 10th. It only matters if your having fun and then I get to drive with great teammates, there's nothing higher. It's a great hobby.

    On to the next. :cool:

    Last edited: May 16, 2023
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  19. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    Congrats to the six podium guys.
    The red mist is deadly. Just a warning, a bit of unsolicited advice.
    The race was really going well till I made a mistake. I was onto the back of Ricarrdo and pressing him. I had a podium if I settled down and ran 3rd. But no, he was close and so was 2nd. Every time I entered Moss Corner I reminded myself that this is where we all win and lose time. I looked back to see how close Brown was and made an error. Too much enthusiasm.
    Later I ran into Johnny, again by mistake. I was glad to see him recover and win. I attempted a pass on the inside at turn4 and it was pushing a bit but he was leaving me enough room! At the moment I turned in, Crew Chief warned I was passing a class leader. I lifted…opps…..and just under steered right into him. He has been kind enough to pardon me. Congratulations Johnny on the win and overcoming my mistake.
    I want to thank my old foe Tanner for sharing his setup from a few races ago with me. I fiddle a bit and used MoTec to compare it with mine, but it’s solid. It went anywhere I wanted it to go and where it wanted when I wasn’t paying close attention. I also learned that by turning my engine sound down and tire sound all the way up I can hear the slip and I can get closer to the limit.
    Now I can hear how slow I am going.
    Well I hope to have a better race at Road of America. My brother lives an hour away. Maybe one day I’ll go visit and drop in at this track when IMSA is there. Of course I will be sitting at Canada Corner.
    Not to complain but Daytona was a disconnect, Road Atlanta I hit a car parked mid track, Watkins Glen disconnect effected my hardware and a brain freeze at Mosport.
    Having a positive outlook I am sure of a win soon.
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  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    LOL ... that's just normal life Michael.
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