rFactor 2 Round 5 Longford 1967 - Sun Jun 2, 2024

Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    @Stefanos Papavasileiou
    So sorry for your loss. Heartfelt sympathy to you and your family at this very sad time.
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  2. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    Congrats to podium and particularly to Johnny G for going from last and lost all the way to 3rd!
    Great track and great cars.
    Heavens to Betsy, it's such a shame 'Murray' Milliken wasn't around for this one.
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  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Thinking like that will create what you believe :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    I would just like to know, did you have any display problems on this circuit, the number of fps was dramatically low for me!
    Usually, I get (in high quality, I only have an old gtx1080) between 80 and 100 (I voluntarily limit) depending on the circuit (sometimes less, Rf2 is not really optimised at this level !!)

    But this time I didn't go over 50 fps (as if blocked) and at the bottom of the track it dropped to 30! and even lowering the settings didn't change a thing!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Christian,
    I was running with "Action" video capture on to record my race, and got 256 FPS.

    Do you have "record replay" on? It might help do turn that off. If you need the replay, you can ask me.
    Also concider reducing the number of "visable" cars from say 20 to 10 cars visable.
    Lower your graphic settings to medium for some track.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Stream VOD

    Filled up my tank for qually. Lap after lap I tried to get a clean lap, but kept screwing up!! We won't talk about the one time I ended in the ditch and had to figure out how to get out, off track terrain had weird collisions on this track! So... 17th place just in front of my team mate @Ben Summers !

    So the race....
    Got the grid and remember to not over rev the engine, but what I did forget was to change up to first gear so I got a bad start. It was double wide up to the first few turns, it was a little disappointing that a certain few were taking to the dirt to make it 3 wide up to the tight right left even after @John vd Geest said against it in the driver briefing. So as expected it was just a case of picking through the carnage in turn 1 and 2. I was lucky that @Phil Brown's car seemed to be lagging so I phased through it!

    Then up to the slow right hander before the long straight and MORE collisions, I picked a side and sneaked through. Track was then blocked with two cars side by side all the way up the straight so I lifted and saved fuel. Into and out of the right hander at the end of the straight and avoided another spinner, up to 12th! Then down into the corner I kept saying in practice I would be annoyed if anyone tried to pass there, it's only 1 car wide!! Someone tried and failed... there was contact but that was an unwise place for a dive!

    Now down the back straight and in the draft of @James Rissi and up the inside into final turn, up to 11th! "Think I have the pace on the guys ahead", I said.... just as I spin out at the next corner and have to wait for every car I passed to come by!! The car had strange collisions on the grass and I couldn't get it spun around, down to 17th and a lot of work to do!!

    Then yellow flags and the cars started to keep going off.... 53 mins to go.... 15th... car sat in the fence perpendicular to the racing line coming into a right hander near the end of the lap. It would sit there for 3 laps!!! If you are going to get back in the race, do it.... if you aren't, please remove your car from the track!! 52 mins to go... 12th "We might end up in the points just from attrition", I said. 51 mins to go... 10th. "Some easy points to be collected today!".

    Complacency causes accidents.... just over 48 mins to go and up to the first corners. I didn't break enough and into the haybales I went, spun around facing the wrong way and I see one of my wheels bouncing on the track, NOT ATTACHED TO MY CAR!! "Not giving up!", I thought to myself! Scary moments parked under that bridge facing the wrong way, thankfully not on the racing line. One "Austin Powers moment" later and I was away but with 3 wheels.... car was a bit awkward to drive understandably, down to 12th. More scary moments trying to let someone by on the straight and working out how to slow the car down. Coming up the straight and I must have brushed the verge and the rfactor 2 collision model said, "How about you do a barrel roll!", I was like WTF! Disorientated I just hope that I was pointing the right way now I was back on my 3 wheels.

    So.... into the pits.... 375 seconds of damage to fix. I wish I'd had an ignition button so I could have turned my engine off to save fuel. 40 mins to go and we are finally back on track with all our wheels, several laps down and in 15th place! Thanks for the raid Ben :) I then proceeded to do lap after lap seeing no one but lapping cars, just couldn't bring myself to push the car. 36 mins to go... 13th. 30 mins to go... 11th. @Philipp Pichler retires now up to 10th and POINTS!! Coming down to the final minutes I saw @Toni Talvitie had retired but he was two laps ahead. Thankfully I was able to pass just before time ran out.

    What a race to forget, I could have done so much better if I had just kept it together! But no.... will Bathurst be the same story?? We will see!!!Looking forward to those fixed rear view mirrors :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
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  7. David Cruickshank

    David Cruickshank Pro Driver

    My 1st race at SimRacingOnline ended after just 3 laps, I got disconnected from the server :(. All cars disappeared and was alone on track. Oddly it let me drive for a further 2 laps before I got the dreaded Connection Lost message. It was a good race until then, I was having a good battle with the 2 Ford Mustang drivers. The speed on the straights from them 2 was incredible. They both crashed so I was leading the race before my disconnect.

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  8. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    No frame rate issues with me.
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  9. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Hello John,
    no, no replay activated and already 10 cars visible and other things lowered when I saw that the fps were so low!
    Admittedly, my CG is a bit old, but most of the tracks are displayed at 100 fps!
    RF2 is really bad for that, no problem on AC for example, even though the graphics quality is much better...;)
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  10. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    I agree with you Christian - Longford was a bit of a fps killer. But it's over now. On to the next one :)
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  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That is a shame David. Your are damn fast too in that Porsche. Very strong debut. Hope to also see you in the last round so you can shake up the establishment :p
    Thanks again for the pit sharing software!
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  12. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The Pit box sharing didn't work out as we thought it would. It didn't for me anyway. I arrived to find a car parked perfectly halfway inside the box and when I pulled up next to him I got no service. I backed out and tried again but no luck. It would have been faster to park behind and wait. But it didn't matter. Thanks to @Gilles da'Silva for the sweet KC Chiefs tribute skin. Love it man! And thanks to @Toni Talvitie for the setup tips. What a great racing community!
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  13. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    And grats to you on getting second place and staying out there!
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  14. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    I sat there and watched it happen ;) The other car wasn't far enough right.
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  15. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Was that you?? When pulling into box it seemed like there was plenty of space. Whoever you are you did a good job. :)
  16. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    No... I was behind you both while sitting there for 375 seconds :)
  17. David Cruickshank

    David Cruickshank Pro Driver

    Qualify Merge
    Top 7 drivers fastest qualify times at Longford.

    The Ford cars were very fast on the straights. phew :eek::eek::rolleyes:
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  18. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    Excellent work David! Really enjoyed watching that :)
    And yes, give those Fix Or Repair Daily's a stretch of straight and it's like they are in a different class.
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  19. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    That is awesome! Now do the 7 slowest. Fair play and all. ;)
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  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Briljant David!
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