Thread for discussing a new point system

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa League Season 4 Closed' started by John vd Geest, Dec 12, 2020.

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  1. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    so the worst part of the points system, the DNF rewards, is the bit the admins refuse to change? o_O Like most of us i expect, i was completely un-aware that an early DNF could still result in full points (final position naturally), and it makes a bit of a mockery of all of us that try fighting to the end of a long race. Also how is it a deterrent to a driver from trying something stupid knowing he can still get a great haul of points despite ending up in a ball of flame with his unlucky opponent. :p
    Like Matteo and others, i disagree with the DNF philosophy but you admin guys do a great job and i really enjoy racing here, so i'll go along with what you decide, just seems an odd call for a racing league :oops:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    We will not change the calculation for now, but I can give the series any points system that is voted for.
  3. Kiril Kirilov

    Kiril Kirilov Pro Driver

    I liked the 6th proposal from @Matteo Santini best and since I couldn't find how I could vote separately for this proposal, I am posting it here:

    The positions between 20 and 30 could then go home with 1 point.
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  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    If there aren't any other proposals, I'll be setting up the vote in a few days.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Yeah, I'll put a Proposal up. This is just Matteo's #5 but with Points for every position:

    1st = 30 Points
    2nd = 29 Points
    30th = 1 Point - Decreasing by 1 per position.

    Super short, super simple. But I still like Matteos "Modified MotoGP"/#5 the best w/ points to 20th :)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Dnf should not be awarded for points, other than that, dont really matter to me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    What ever system comes up, I will not be deleting points by hand for a DNF in the final standing. Then I would be intervering in an automated system.
    If you don't want DNF's rewarded, it should reflect in the points system. :)


    Could everyone who submitted a points system (or several) please conclude with submitting 1 points sytem officially with their names to it, so I can put it up for a vote. I have to classify you in the vote titel. Example:

    John vd Geest points system:
    p1 = 40
    p2 = 39
    p3 = 38

    Further more:
    We have on average 20 members in a race. 10 members is 50%.

    For the points system to change, a vote has to be won with more then 10 votes (more than half the field).
    A system that wins with only 5 or 6 votes is not representative for the whole league.
    If none of the point systems wins with more than 10 votes, than we will keep using the current system.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
  8. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Are we allowed to vote for multiple, once it's all setup, like with the Cars/tracks for next season?
  9. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Ted Hough's Submission for a new "SRO GP" Points System.

    This is a slight modification of 2010 F1 points with fewer points gap between positions to tighten it up - Also I like even numbers, sue me.

    1st: 20
    2nd: 18
    3rd: 16
    4th: 14
    5th: 12
    6th: 10
    7th: 8
    8th: 6
    9th: 4
    10th: 2

    11th-30th = 0

    Tiebreaker: Wins
    Tiebreker 2: Pole positions

    Note: This would work really well in multi-class because it's rare that we get an even 15/15 class split, typically it's one class with 12-18 and the other with 15-20, so, this should work well especially in that scenario. Another thing I think is really strong about this points system is that it makes every single position count for the same amount, therefore consistency and rapidity combined are really well rewarded by this.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
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  10. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Series standings tie breakers are currently determined by Wins, Events, Podiums, Avg. Finish, Avg. Qualify (in that order). You will notice that participation (Events) has more weight than performance (Podiums) :)
  11. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It's not that we will always refuse to change it. The software changes needed cannot be easily and quickly developed and tested. We will consider it but don't expect any changes soon. The backlog is large and we all have day jobs :)
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  12. Syd Drake

    Syd Drake Pro Driver

    I'm for a motogp system straight up, 25,20,16....1 for 15th place.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  13. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Yes, you can.
  14. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    And this discussion is purely about John's AC League and not generally about the existing scoring systems used by all the other Sims/series we run at SRO.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    I know, that's why I suggested otherwise. Determining points and tiebreaks by anything other than raw driver performance is peurile.
  16. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Funny, I had to lookup the word "peurile". :) The actual spelling is puerile. The meaning is "childishly silly and trivial" for others who don't know. A bit exterme in your analysis but you are entitled to your opinion. Not sure how that description applies. I assume you are referring to the Events portion of the tie breaker calculation. There are several ways of doing the math and as many or more opinions of how it should be done. But I don't agree the current way is silly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Meh, maybe it's because I win so many races but I wouldn't feel good if somebody won the championship on a tiebreak due to a participation award.

    Sport is supposed to be meritocratic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    A tiebreak due to participation is totally legit. Ted shows up for 6 events and I show up for 5. We end the season with the same points and 2 wins each. Tie breaker goes to Ted for racing in all events. You are rewarded for your extra effort and driving more race miles. I believe effort and achievement fits into the definition of "meritocratic". Some may consider completing all events in a series a big achievement as it takes hard work and commitment to complete an entire series. From what I have seen over the years at SRO, completing all events in a series is a big achievement as the majority of drivers do not accomplish that for whatever reasons.

    "Winning is not everything – but making the effort to win is." -- Vince Lombardi
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    I dislike this attitude and this system so much that during the next SRO series I participate in. I will show up every round and If I win the first 5, I'll get pole position for the last one, then not race, and hope the person in 2nd ties me. Then win the championship and make you deal with them when they go absolutely ballistic over it.

    Imagine thinking launching a computer game takes effort when it takes 10+ hours of maintenance and two full-time jobs to run an amateur touring car every couple of weekends in real life.

    If SRO has problems with lots of people who can't make every race - have them withdraw their entry, or give people 1 Drop-week.
  20. Kimi Martikainen

    Kimi Martikainen Pro Driver

    Seems like some of you take this way too serious, we are here to race with full grids first, positions second, or least thats what I think. I don't like that people just complaining for points, rules, cars, refering etc., list go on and on. Bring your ass to track, shut up and drive, points can be calculated later if someone even care really... ;)
    • Agree Agree x 4
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