Thread for discussing a new point system

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa League Season 4 Closed' started by John vd Geest, Dec 12, 2020.

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  1. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    I didn't complain about anything, as I just did some proposal telling by the start that if they were refused for me that wasn't a real issue.
    The last championships I joined, at least for me, proves that I'm not surely the driver that is looking to win any champ. I had no chance even of a podium position with the DRM, but I honoured that champ until the end, after @Filip Stoyanovich proved that I was right about my thinking on Capri tires. I practically started with an handicap of 2 races, cause I buyed and downloaded DRM mod on John's suggestion the day before the 1st race only to race with Tim. I appreciated a lot that Filip took his time to look into this tyre matter, probably even with Dennis Matzies, because I was going to abandon a champ for a bug on that mod, not for a "bug" on scoring system.
    The difference is that here I read some really weird posts by some of the other league admins except John, dealing with issues that has nothing to see with dropping numbers during a champ, like keeping the field more tight during a champ. I didn't see any evidence of this in my last 2 champs. People like Simone Meazza, Symon Gymer, Andrew Williams, Mark Jones and Mark Johnson had not barely a chance to go on the champ podium. Despite this fact they all joined the last event. That fact proves only a thing: there are always winners and losers. All the chaps I named in there are surely WINNERS. All the drivers that show up ONLY IF they have a chance to win a championship are simply LOSERS (in real life and in simracing).

    It is surely the single that makes the difference, not the scoring system.

    And now, I'm not going to say a word more on this topic, cause I'm really tired about this discussion. Let's put some poll up and see what people thinks if they want to express an opinion. Otherwise, we can consider that such a discussion is really never happened :)
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  2. Maddie Shepherd

    Maddie Shepherd Pro Driver

    You do know that you can still drive well and also want the system to improve? Right? I don't think that the attendance would suddenly evaporate if we changed it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    Hey, just want to say that it wasn't anything to do with me there. It was all Dennis' work together with the DRM Revival Team after you Ford guys reported the problem in the 2nd race, and they looked into it. My only part was when I got the opportunity to test this mod earlier this summer and it was with not yet finished tires and couple of other things then. I don't think I went that far into tire runs to see any problems. My report on it was supposed to be mainly how fast the cars were in general for comparisons. Further development on the mod went on after that but I didn't get the new version to do any more tests until it came out.

    And as you say, after all that I really appreciate that you stayed to race with all of us during the championship even though you wanted out. Having you around spiced things up even more for all those other races in division 1. :) I have nothing but huge respect for simracers like that!
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  4. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Man here was me thinking that racing cars is about being competitive. If only Kimi Martinkainen was around to tell everybody what we should and shouldn't care about and that everything was fine and that nothing ever needed any changes.

    This is the exact same lazy argument that the FIA was using when drivers wanted more car and track safety in the 1960s because their friends kept getting slaughtered in deathtrap race cars, btw. "Oh somebody will just drive it, just shut up and ignore it, if you won't' drive the car somebody else will".

    I see so far people from all up and down the field asking for some sort of change to these points and/or rules and lots of people voting for it in this thread. I'm so sick of this dismissive attitude some people here take about wanting to do things better.
  5. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Oh boy, It's not that much a question of what is asked or could be improved as much as a question of how one is going to ask for this change and express himself.
    You just can't be that pedantic and cutting and then want to people for always be in love with your ideas, suggestions, goals etc..

    My 2 cents.
  6. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    I don't think it's Kimi's point. I guess he just wanted to remind that we all are here for fun 1st, competitivity is nice of course but should only be secondary if the price to pay is some quite harsh words, denigrating talks, sometimes even lack of respect, etc..
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
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  7. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    It's funny because that's actually exactly what he was doing. Degrading people who want the league to be better and improved.
  8. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    I don't want anybody to be "In love" with anything suggested here. I just think Matteo is raising a good point and has come up with some great suggestions and this "Wow everybody's taking things too seriously why are we even doing this?" response some people seem to have to it is really lazy and disrespectful to the good points and effort people are putting in to suggest these changes.
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  9. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Ted, it's not about Matteo's suggestion, or anyone else's. I did a proposal myself. I don't think that Kimi was saying that no one should make such proposals. I think he just wanted to underline the fact we're there to have fun, and if something in the organisation/planification/system/etc goes wrong at a moment, it's not that serious. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Fair enough, I just also want to point out nobody here's inside my head or gets to tell me what is or isn't me taking it seriously, though. I just think the point for DNF is a bit stupid, would prefer one of the proposed points systems that can help alleviate this problem. This discussion is a good first step towards a meaningful change away from that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    I personally fully agree with you on that, still the admins explained to us the development-related shortcomings so that we have to wait for them as volonteers to find some time and efforts to spend to change that one day, alongside their real life. But you're right, we can try to demonstrate how much we would prefer another system.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  12. Kimi Martikainen

    Kimi Martikainen Pro Driver

    You got my point Max, it was just a reminder, and of course all ideas for making actual racing better is always welcome. Anyway for me points are just statistics , not much else, which was also my point in earlier comment.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    DNF system is easy to go around with giving much less points.
    Tiebraker system is okish. Should allways be by race positions, not by single lap in which one can easily cut a chicane and doit.
    I do understand the fact that SRO likes to give support to those who season by season race every race. They are the ones that actually fill the grid and support the site aswell.
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  14. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    I'm sorry but "Oh you showed up here's your free points" is such a gargantuan faux pas within a competitive entity. If somebody's quitting because they won't get competitive points because they crash out in the first 5 laps and there aren't points for DNF'ing, why exactly would you want them in your racing series anyway? Why do they deserve points that they haven't earned?

    I have never in a decade solid of racing anywhere in the sim or in real life run into any series that does this, ever. I'm genuinely gobsmacked. If this is a system meant to alleviate points lost due to things like internet outages, then why can't the series organization go through and manually give last place points to Internet-disconnection or server-issue DNF's or something like that? Otherwise, I can't see any possible benefit to giving a Pauper's boon to people who haven't even finished the event.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Our results processing is currently automated and is driven by race result files generated by the sims we host. We process several different data formats. The results processing code is complicated, and to be honest, is not perfect. Sometimes a DNF is not picked up and recorded. But we have plans to make it better. We recently did some work to support RaceRoom. So the process now is, the race admin downloads the race results file or files and feeds them into the results processor. And that is typically all they have to do. Everything else is automated. It's automated for a reason. Time. SRO is not our day job. We work on SRO at night and on weekends for free so you can race for free. Admins cannot and do not manually manipulate the results except for issuing penalties which can affect the final results. All the data you see on our website originates from the simulator's result files.

    So when you make comments about changes for DNFs you are directing your comments to me, the programmer. I am the one responsible for the current system and I designed and wrote the code with input from other admins. I am not against your ideas or anyone's ideas for changing the DNF rule. But it's not as simple as you are making it out to be. Toni suggests a simple solution for now. Just offer less points positions and that will help until we can plan, develop and test changes to the system. The points used in a series is entered into the system by the series host. You have to convince the series host if you want to use a specific point system.

    I'm considering locking this discussion thread. It's gone on too long and we have all the opinions I think we need. We get it. No points for DNFs :)
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  16. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    If you get it, then do something about it. Anything else is empty lip-service.
  17. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    /me casts silence on Ted.
  18. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    It's working ;)
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  19. Nigel Middleton

    Nigel Middleton Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That is enough of this you have had your answer.
  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The polls for a alternative points system are up as a "sticky" on top of this forum.
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