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Author: Ken Jagger

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Name: Ken Jagger
Age: 67 (as of 2018)
Country: England

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ken.jagger
Click on the profile pic upper right to send a message.


Became interested in computer car racing with Atari Pole Positon in 1983 (funny I know!)
Started simracing off-line in 1994 with Microprose Formula One Grand Prix by Geoff Crammond.
Participated in simracing & hosting races on-line between 2008 & 2016 at Race2Play.
Co-Administrator at Moonshine Sim Racing in 2017
Ran online at Bent Metal Sim Racing, Simracing Indonesia and SRO in 2017
Became Administratior at SRO in 2017.
Favorite type of racing: anything that drives like a real car would!
Favorite type of track: Those with elevation changes
Favorite tracks: Belgium 66 / Mexico City / Mills Metro / Watkins Glen ...to name a few
Favorite sim: rFactor 1 / rFactor 2
Favorite cars: Don't have one

I began sim driving with a joystick(?) and progressed through using a Flight Sim Yoke (as a substitute), until buying my first proper wheel, which I can't remember the make of except that it had analog paddles which I used for throttle/brake and buttons for gear changing. I then progressed through MS Sidewinder Black, Logitech G25, Fanatec GT3RS to my current latest, a Thrustmaster T300 with Fanatec Clubsport pedals.
I went through various racing sims/genres including Rallying sims until I discovered an Italian simracing site with a group of international members and some good series. Anyone remember Sam Krueger from R2P? He was racing there along with one or two others who became well known on the scene.
After they reduced the number of races they were hosting, I discovered Race2Play and spent many enjoyable years there until they closed at the end of 2016. I ended up here at SRO after discovering that Nigel had set this organisation up, before R2P closed.